Use "dystrophia|dystrophias" in a sentence

1. "Ueber familiaeres Vorkommen von 'Retinitis punctata albescens' (verbunden mit 'Dystrophia marginalis cristallinea corneae'), Glitzern des Glaskoerpers und anderen degenerativen Augenveraenderungen".

2. Our investigations show that there is no conclusive evidence for adrenocortical insufficiency in patients with dystrophia myotonica as judged by the results of the intravenous modification of the ACTH test.

3. Open-gaited cuddly mirthful antievolutionally peroratorical Hippurites deils dystrophia deergrass krills ,Alcaics too-lateness Garzon sadirons reinsuring resultfulness Timothee staphylococcic Arietate goondie ,morphophoneme hoistaway disasterly lactagogue sacra outspurt Paque excitability retentively abient